Workplace Health & Safety

Workplace Health & Safety

New Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S) laws replaced the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) laws in NSW on 1 January 2012. The Occupational Health & Safety Act 1983 (the "Act") and the subsequent Workplace Health & Safety Regulations ("Regulations") impose obligations in respect of safety for workers arising out of the design, manufacture, and supply of plant and equipment for use in the workplace.

O'Maras can provide advice to enable the implementation of regulatory standards and minimise the risk associated with the sale of both new and used machinery.

Hazard Identification & Risk Registers

We can prepare WH&S reports of the general working area and specific areas within the business to outline potential hazards and their associated risks to current employees, site visitors, and, in the case of an onsite auction, the customers bidding at the auction.

Workplace Health & Safety Reports

Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S) compliance is not only important for each business but also the assets that these businesses will resell.

WH&S reports for specific plant and equipment is an important step to ensuring the safety of staff and potential purchasers by minimising or outlining the potential hazards and risks associated with the plant and equipment and minimising the potential for liability to the person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU) and staff.

The Regulation requires the purchaser be provided with:

  1. All information relating to the correct and safe operation of the plant including the purpose for which the plant was designed, testing, or inspections that are to be carried out on the plant; installation, commissioning, operation maintenance, inspection, cleaning, transport, storage, and, if the plant is capable of being dismantled, dismantling of the plant, systems of work, knowledge, training, or skills necessary for persons undertaking testing and inspection; and emergency procedures
  2. All available information concerning health and safety that was received from the designer and manufacturer
  3. All available records of the plant that were kept by the previous owner. It should be noted that records must be kept for certain types of plant such as mobile cranes and amusement devices.

We therefore request that these items be provided from our vendors. Where those items listed at point (a) above are not readily available, O'Maras can provide a condition and risk assessment to meet compliance requirements.

O'Maras can provide detailed WH&S reports for any type of business. Specialised reports are designed to address any immediate issues including defects that may affect the company trading to reports for assets for sale purposes.

WorkCover Position Paper Requirements for Auctioneers selling used plant in NSW. Prepared by the State Coordinator – Plant (Civil & Structural) 16 December 2005